Student Life
We have quickly become one of the country’s leading performing arts colleges, our mission is clear:
To provide our students with the finest professional training & education available.
We are dedicated to equipping our students with the skills and techniques necessary to succeed and thrive in one of the most competitive yet fulfilling industries.
We are dedicated to providing unwavering support for our students’ mental and physical health and well-being throughout their training journey.
Less than an hour outside of London, Wilkes Academy presents a fantastic opportunity for aspiring performers seeking both affordability and convenience.
Our academy is designed to provide the optimal learning environment for our students, facilitating their growth and skill development.
This event truly is the pinnacle of our academic year and we hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating three years of hard work.
Our annual key events and term dates to pencil in your calendar.
Our Health & Safety and Safeguarding policies ensure our students’ are safe and supported in their training journey.